Upcoming Workshops:

Discover the Harmony Within: An Introduction to Sound Healing

Unlock the Mysteries of Sound Healing in a Transformative One-Day Workshop

Are you ready to embark on a sonic journey that will resonate deep within your soul? Whether you're seeking a new path to personal wellness, aspiring to start a sound healing practice, or eager to integrate sound healing into your daily life, our introductory class is your gateway to the ancient art and science of sound healing.

Course Overview

In this immersive 4-hour workshop, we invite beginners and aspiring sound healers to delve into the rich history and practical applications of three powerful sound healing instruments: singing bowls, hand drums, and gongs. Designed for those with a curiosity about sound healing or a desire to deepen their existing practice, this class combines theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience, providing a solid foundation in the fundamentals of sound healing.

What You Will Learn

  • The Origins and History of Sound Healing: Journey through time to explore the ancient roots of sound healing and its evolution into modern practices.

  • The Science of Sound: Basic principles of vibration, frequency, and resonance, and how they contribute to healing and wellness.

  • Get Hands On: Gain practical skills in playing singing bowls, hand drums, and gongs. Learn techniques to harness their unique vibrations for healing purposes.

Interactive and Experiential Learning

This class is not just about learning; it's about experiencing. We encourage students to actively participate, share their experiences, and practice with the instruments. Through guided sessions and collaborative exercises, you'll not only hear the healing sounds but feel their vibrations coursing through your being.

Who Should Attend

  • Aspiring Sound Healers looking for a comprehensive introduction to the field.

  • Wellness Enthusiasts interested in incorporating sound healing into their self-care regimen.

  • Entrepreneurs aiming to build or expand a business in the wellness industry.

  • Anyone seeking to create a harmonious home practice for themselves and their loved ones.

Embrace Your Sonic Journey

By the end of this workshop, you'll walk away with equipped with the skills to begin your practice, enhance your wellness routine, or even take the first steps toward a rewarding career in sound healing.

Join us for a day of discovery, connection, and transformation. Let the ancient art of sound healing awaken your inner healer and guide you toward a path of greater harmony and wellbeing.

Reserve Your Spot in the Circle of Sound: Spaces are limited to ensure a personalized and impactful experience for all participants. Book your spot now and take the first step on your path to harmony.

Class duration schedule is as follows: 10:00am - 12:00pm ( Class ) 12:00pm - 1:00pm (LUNCH) 1:00pm - 2:00pm ( Class )

Meet your facilitators

Danielle Hall - SoundEmbrace

Diana Vasquez - SoundBath Jax